Feeling fishy and Forrest Gumpy

Today was all about the fish, first seeing them and then eating them. There was also the briefest of moments where me and Kate touched a Sting Ray, but it was a harmless affair because it had a clipped spine. It felt slimey.

Our day started in a really fancy mall, where all we could afford was a McDonalds but the walk around was exciting enough to tide me over.

In the afternoon we visited Monterey, well known for it's cheese. The town is a pretty little town on the sea front, boasting an amazing aquarium. The iPhone was hardly up to the task, but I did manage a few good shots.

Other highlights included fighting otters, sleeping penguins and some disturbed octupi (octupuses?) who got off on pressing themselves against the glass. There was so much more that we saw, and the rest of those pictures are on facebook. Admittedly I find fish confusing, and appreciate them as a child might, pointing at the colours and laughing at the funny shapes. I did really enjoy the experience, but for me it got better when we went for food.

If you've seen Forrest Gump you might have a clue. This restaurant was called Bubba Gump and it's a chain inspired from the film, whereby 'Bubba' starts his own shrimp company, and it's what this chain specialises in. It's proximity to the sea makes it ideal, and it's an experience in itself before you even eat. The staff quiz you on Forrest Gump trivia while you wait for your table, and the place is littered with memorabilia as well.
The view from your table just adds to the whole vibe, even though you don't really pay mum attention when your food arrives.

I chose to eat shrimp heaven, a suitable name I think, and if I were a shrimp I wouldn't mind becoming so delicious once I passed over.

And how much did I enjoy it?

This much!


Andy said...

Immense. That fish looks really bloody good!

Shirley Weatherby said...

Oh Jim it looked wonderful! You know me and dad love fish, we would have felt we were in heaven eating there. It surely has been a holiday of a lifetime hasn't it!

Fr Peter Weatherby said...

Excellent photos, Jim!