Hi there!

Going to America on Saturday! First to Napa Valley, California and then onto Chicago, Illinois! We leave on Saturday morning, flying out from Manchester, England! It's the first time I'm going to America for something besides Disney World so I'm excited for the change, and hoping to see some interesting sites.

The purpose of this blog is for my family mostly, to let them know how I'm getting on. I'm hoping to geek it up while I'm gone thanks to my laptop and trusty iPhone. I'll post photos and blog while I'm there, and I have my own twitter page here for those who need to know exactly when I've just read a funny sign or witnessed fainting goats.

To make matters worse, I've got my own audioBoo page. That's here, though I don't know how much I'll end up using this.

Kisses. xoxo


Fr Peter Weatherby said...

We await your posts with baited breath!

Fr Peter Weatherby said...

Some tips:
1. Embed Twitter into your blog - put a widget in the sidebar
2. Link audioboo and twitter
3. Link twitter with your facebook
4. Use twitterfeed to send automatic tweets every time you update your blog

If you do these, then whenever you boo, tweet or blog that will be automatically tweeted and posted to facebook.

Shirley Weatherby said...

following your blog jim mum xmymickie

Shirley Weatherby said...

james i dont know if i am doing this right? i have no one to show me. mum xxxx