Our last full day in California is technically today (Sunday) although we're leaving our hotel this morning, and spending the night in a hotel closer to the airport before we begin the second leg of our holiday in Chicago.
On Saturday however, me and Kate enjoyed our first day together travelling to San Francisco. Most of the time we've been in the surrouding areas preoccupied with food and wine. Our day started with getting the ferry across and into the city.
Just look how distant the bridge is, it gets much closer later. Once we departed after a 50 minute crossing we set about being proper tourists, consulting our maps, laughing at street perfomers and gawking at the scenery.
And what would any holiday be without a picture of a fatty?
Can you say cankles?
Anyway, as we explored and got ourselves sunburnt, we first visited Pier 39 which is very much a tourist attraction and full of restaurants and cafes, and hundreds of seals being watched by hundreds of tourists.
The pier itself offers brilliant views of the golden gate bridge and of Alcatraz, which as you can see were partially covered in some crazy low fog. Part 2 coming soon...
James you are just awful taking a photograph of a rather roundful lady, you did this in Florida! I know another certain family member who I caught taking a photograph of me walking in front of them once...it had a lasting imprint on me knowing just why they had taken it. (I shalln't say who it is, because they will read this blog)! But they know as well as I know who they were. (It upset me to have my photo taken behind my back). I hope the poor lady here on this random picture, never stumbles across it on your blog....but you just never know!
Auntie Sandra has a thing about people taking photos of her when she is at our family do's. another certain family member just takes them without asking her does she mind, and she finds it quite intrusive....I sort of see where she is coming from, as this family member just goes snapping away whilst you least expect him to do it! The times she has told me, I cringe in case she ever speaks her mind about it. So photos, as much as they can be priceless, they can also be very annoying too! (I think you know what I mean)! xx
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