I don't really know much about Yosemite, other than it's 'famous'. I've only really heard of it in TV or books, and after visiting it I can't say I know much more, but I was very impressed. It's an enormous area - 3 million acres I think - of protected wilderness, which means it's full of trees, mountains, bears and tourists. It's a stunning area.
The views are gorgeous, both on the drive there and then when you reach the actual park. The drive is constantly uphill, through towns abandoned from the gold rush era, to areas where the only signs of human life are the roads that take you deeper into the park. You do forget how high above sea level you are, but when your ears pop you remember.
What struck me the most was the weather. As we drove higher we started seeing snow to the side of the road despite the sun, and when we stopped to look at a huge waterfall it was practically raining due to the heavy spray.
Stopping for lunch at 'curry village' we ordered a pizza and were given a pizza pager that told us when our order was ready. The day was just full of suprises!
The pictures of the area will be sorted much later, once I sort my digital camera out, as my iPhone wasn't up to the challenge and just about managed some trees.
It was that long of a drive that the visit took all day, but stopping at a Costa Coffee on the way back I was amazed to see they have a 'drive thru' section.
While Yosemite was the big highlight of the day, it's these little differences that keep reminding me how crazy this America place really is.
Jim, have you never come across a pager before to tell you when your meal/or table is ready? They have them in Stoke at Frankie and Benbnies....(Dad's unfavourite restaurant)!
You write well on your blog, ...you'll have to write a book! (I'd be the first to buy your first copy, and of course, I'd get you to sign it!
Were there any pink human like rabbits in the forest carrying banners?
Did the wax fly out of your ears when your ears popped?
You'll save a fortune not having to send postcards with doing a blog, and for the likes of those who can't get to your blog, hard luck!
I've had a very enjoyable day, spending most of dad's easters offerings! I have left him some to put t/w his new toy he is after...a laptop applemac. (He can't have luke having one and he hasn't! Though I must say, I am enjoying playing on his applemac big computer in his pffice whilst he's away!)
I'd never heard of Yosemite National Park. But then that's not a surprise to you is it! (I use to say I was thick, but getting a 2-1 in my exams I can't call myself that anymore)! I have called myself 'fatgrandma' on twitter! Well that's because dad has upsetme...you see, I am not so sure whether he really meant it, or it was a spelling error...He sent me a copy of an email he has sent to a parishioner who wants to call to collect a cd for a funeral she left. Dad put in her email, "My wide Shirley will be in the presbytery all day if you want to call and collect it". (Do you think he means it?) Love mum xxx
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